Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ratted Out

For so long we defended our hood from criminals and attendant decline.

It has now become a 'gentrified' place.  It's nice to see folks walking their dogs and families strolling with babies.  And yes it is mixed, not pearly white.  Everyone but Orientals seems to be represented.

The cleanup has included four legged and multilegged vermin as well as two legged.

Poorly governed areas, mainly collectivist, are pockets of literal disease and poverty.  Recently such filth has come into view in blue cities/sates.  Literal mounds of trash and attendant vermin are overrunning places.  All these areas are overseen by politicians who look to their own welfare at the expense of the people.  They have usually been in office far too long.  I hope they will be brought to book.  It will take constant exposure and not just demands for improvement, but for the people to take the task in hand.

When I came here, there was an insect and mouse infestation problem.  Bit by bit, we spearheaded getting rid and cleaning things up.

Now, there were other folks here who were clean literally and decent.  They too sought to improve the decline.

One of the problems was rental property.  There were many absentee landlords and either didn't care or they were drug dealers seeking to plant their weeds of crime..

We rooted many out, including a few child rapists.  With the help of good police and conscientious others, we cleaned it out.  Along with that went the other vermin.

We had threats and a few attempts on us.  Yet, we stood firm and managed to give our kids a place where they grew up into decent Freedom minded people.  It's too easy to cut and run.

We never asked for recognition nor accolades.  All we wanted was for the hood to rebecome a clean decent place for all.  And that takes the doing of all of us.

As people increasingly get fed up with governmental negligence, we must speak out and up.

A great part of the problem is the collectivist tenet that 'worse is better'.  It's an old Leninist method to ensure the control of dictators.  Empty promises with some pie in the sky hope over the horizon.

A Constitutional Republic doesn't allow for that.  We seek solutions and that entails everyone getting involved.  We must also inspire a sense of responsibility so that it is done.

A major move forward will be to stop the entitlement for illegals. And for the homeless, including many vets, to receive the help they need.

People can be given real chances to live for themselves, their hoods, cities and so forth.

Ruthie has plans for that to happen in Indianapolis before we follow in the fetid footsteps of Baltimore, LA, Chicago etc.

I'll be talking about this soon.

Let's rat out the criminals on the streets and in government.

Time for Liberty to rise!

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