Monday, December 30, 2019


I've gotten my share of anonymous comments here.  Most of them are spam.  I wish I had more time for honest discussion but most of the time I leave my posts in hope that people take a little food for thought and go about Freedom on their own.

There are safety reasons also for anonymity.  The Founders often used pseudonyms when publishing and organizing resistance to British rule.  Secret societies as it were.  Hanging together or separately comes to mind.  There are reasons for them and yes, there are both good and bad.  Vis a vis French Resistance vs Gestapo.  Open secrets?

Anon is a two sided coin.  It is either for safety from those who destroy or it is used by craven cowards who seek to destroy the Republic.

Don't be shy.  Be careful.


teacher said...

Celebrities etal.

Mike H said...

Yes teacher.