Friday, January 31, 2020


Better living?

There are still chemistry sets!  I used to experiment as a kid.  Had both fun and learned something.  It was my and many other kids' intro to socalled hard science.

Don't know what's in the current sets.  Lazy reporting on my part?  Maybe.  But there was nothing dangerous years ago.  Besides I had supervision.

I've always been one to wonder and investigate what makes things tick.  That's on all levels in all ways.

Chemistry involves action/reaction.  One thing leads to another.  And some things blend while some don't.

In relationships, we often hear of chemistry.  Are they simpatico?  Things in common?

We hear of chemistry when devising business deals.  It's around when we find out if we like something or not.

Sometimes it's instinctual.  There are people who rub us the wrong way and vice versa.  Light and dark know each other.

So, mix and match.  Watch out for danger and go ahead.  Freedom is risky.

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