Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Seems like it was just New Years Eve.  A whole month into the year already.  There is a difference now.

I was not besotted.  I was breaking with sporadic exercise and a slow system that obstructed my goals.

Sure, I was aware and busy doing my part, working to Restore the Republic.  But I was personally lagging.  I crept along, distracted.

Now, I'm shedding some excess weight by watching what I eat.  No alcohol for a while and activity, physical vigor.  It's working.

Due to my work, I'm at my bedroom desk a lot, tapping away.  I get up and move around.  In addition to workouts, I do calisthenics.  I flex, breathe, working my stomach muscles.  I include my butt and grip and neck.    And perhaps most importantly, I walk.  I'm rebuilding my endurance.

As for time, I remain acutely aware.  I'm mindful of aging and I'm not letting myself grow discouraged.  I will use my time.

How much time is up to the Great Maker.  I hope I'm allowed enough to accomplish my part in all this.

I will keep on.  I will workout.

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