Friday, February 28, 2020

Past Present

Some things are left in storage too long.  Dust and cob/spider webs get thick.  Some paper yellows while others stay remarkably fresh.  Things meant to be unpacked remain boxed.

I've repackaged several boxes that were left neglected for years.  Old records mixed with family momentos and some things gotten to by rodents.  They have been cleaned out.

Much can be recycled, while memories are kept.

This all seems poetic, symbolic.  Yet, this has a profound effect on life in the present.

Memories, of course, can set forth from photos and papers long stored.  Perhaps not forgotten, maybe on the back burner or they are in cold storage.  They flit to mind, but the affairs of the day swiftly carry them aside.

Sometimes these items are stored with the intent to move soon and unpack them.  However, for one reason or another, they stay unpacked, collecting dust.  Artifacts.

There might be stagnation.  Yet, once unearthed, artifacts become energized.

Moving forward, having regrouped, these things upturned add to the momentum.

Ready for a move.  All packed to transport to a new HQ.  It's an adventure in itself.

The past presents itself and accompanies now into then.

A gift, a chance taken, claimed.

Past present forward.

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