Saturday, February 29, 2020


King of Ephyra, punished in the underworld for his self aggrandizement and deceit.  He rolls a huge boulder up a hill.  As it nears the top, it rolls down and he repeats the action forever.  Since the origin of the myth, it has become a symbol of futility.

Is this odd?  Once upon a time, a young student minister ran afoul of the autonomous bishop and his pastor/minions.  This was because the young man preached Christianity/faith is to be lived every day.  One time he even talked about child sex abuse.

For a period of time the student served a particular church.  He did all except Communion blessing and weddings.

The congregation supported him and wished he could actually become pastor.  There was unrest in the national church and the student advised facing it eye to eye w/o fear, just faith and common sense.  Also, he said if the time came after ordination, he would see where he might go.

This guy was suspended from preaching and had to leave his service for the congregation behind.  This was simply because he did not like the collectivist bent and he also didn't osculate the bishop's posterior.

To make a short story lomg (-s-), he was mysteriously invited to assist the newly appointed pastor at that church.  The folks were glad to see him as he was them.

In the vestry, he outright asked what was going on re his suspension.  The mealy mouthed pastor said that 'people in high places did not want to see him succeed'.  Curiouser and curiouser and certainly not Christian.  In fact it was at least reminiscent of Pharissees.  And at the risk of seeming sensationalist, the young man suspected not just collectivism in the church, but also Luciferianism.

So, the pastor preached about Sisyphus that Easter Sunday.  How impossible it was to accomplish certain goals and that the boulder always rolled down.  Shouldn't he have spoken of the stone that rolled from Jesus' tomb and His Resurrection instead?

This young man continued helping people when and where he could and still does.  Serving the Light happens everywhere.  Detours yes.  Stopping, no.

I contend the real modern Sisyphus is the minion/pastor the young man encountered and the organization that in reality opposed Jesus and the church universal.  Such projection is common when modern Pharisees attempt to pollute truth.

That stone might just roll back on them.

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