Sunday, March 29, 2020


Be.  Intransitive verb.  Many interesting iterations.  However, here we are.  State of being.  How are you doing?

Economy?  Scuttle it and achievement.  If it is constructed well, it will come back.  Or restructured in a healthy free market society.

Health?  Threaten or compromise it.  Sick people, including fear of disease, are easier to control.  Reach past the fear.  Do sensible, not fear oriented things to be healthy.

Fear, hatred, chaos are being countered now just as they have always been.  Gratitude and preparedness existed before and will continue.  It is the opposite which gives an illusion of power.

Nothing lofty nor lah dee dah about this current situation.  Think about motes and logs.  But meet the test.

Think of a pile, stack, what have you.  For a long time, it's been there stored.  You take something out of it.  The support of the sundry articles shifts.  It might topple.  Or, with careful shifting, it'll wobble but will remain.  See what works.

Time to go light.  It's a chance to tighten up.  Work out mentally and physically.  IOW have a cookie and/or a beer etc.  Just go slowly.

Some people will suffer and die currently.  And certain other people will exploit.

Remember people die and are born every day still.  May it bring us to appreciate the cycle more.

Weather the storm.  Heavy, light, calm, our state of being remains.

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