Monday, August 31, 2020


 Oh those big dinners such as Turkey Day and Christmas.  Mom fixed plenty and as a teen I could eat 3 plates at dinner.  The leftovers beckoned my brother and me for sandwiches and pie later.  We burned it all off!  

For any sierra juliet whiskey creeping about, my bfam and I devised a system of delivering food to the poor.  More on that another time.

Leftovers can well be shared.  Loaves and fishes come to mind.  Sometime it's better than original and sometimes not -s-.  But it is available.  Waste not, want not.

On another level, it can mean inheritance.  Materially, it is effects, clothes, house, furniture etc.  Mentally, it's what was taught.  Spiritually, it is actually the core of forever, such as love never dying.  

After all is said and done, what's left?

A meal or garbage.

It's what we make of it.

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