Wednesday, September 30, 2020


 Not the family jewels.  

Shining moments.

In my previously mentioned non dusty musty way, I'll use a graphic yet accurate analogy.

There have been loads of discussions about show biz having turned woke aka culturally Marxist.  Dull, boring pap, reminiscent of soviet style propaganda.  Agree with it or be banished.

I don't watch TV nor go to movies almost at all.  Funny 'tude for a writer and inactive actor (soon we'll see).  It depends.

As said, I will get a TV season on disc then watch as much at a time as I like and commercials gladly excluded.  Or a movie, to see what's what.  

Some things are drivel.  Many are mixed and often an effort to watch.

Get ready for the gross analogy.

Imagine a bowl of poop.  Not too vividly I hope lol.  Mixed in are some jewels, things that stand out as good/notable.

One picks with a very long handled spoon and extracts the jewels from the mess.  We wash off and disinfect those stones.  

We examine the jewels, note them and well, do what you want with them in analogy

Once picked out, I rarely go back.  The effort is tiring.

OTOH, there are shows that are outstanding or nearly so.  Is timeless classic too cliche?

A timeless jewel the US.  Yes, a lotta poop on the way -s-.  And now, well we see the waste and perfidy.

We shake it off and disinfect.

I believe Patrick Henry would agree.

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