Monday, December 28, 2020


 What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Many don't care.  They are short sided apostates or are brought up left hand path.

We've always seen greed.  Throughout the ages, it accompanies us like a disease.  Now it is blatant.

Malachi Martin spoke often how people sell their souls so they can have wealth and/or sex.  They are lazy.  Yes, any kind of success takes work and planning.  And many set their sights low.  

Whether it's explicit or not, deals are struck and people suborned regardless of the cost to security, freedom, life.  

Sheep, goats and all sorts of animals are being separated as it were.  The People are being shown the perfidy, in numbers which cannot be ignored.  Despite coverups, truth reverberates.

History unfolds.

The world has allure and for the weak a kind of strength in which they place their lives.  

Doing right and fighting for Freedom is often rough and many lose all, except for their souls.

The cost is priceless.

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