Saturday, April 30, 2022


 Sometimes limits are necessary, such as with children.  How else will they learn self control and responsibility?

Sometimes one needs tact.  Silence is golden and we fight another day or another way.

I've sparingly referred to whatever I've done in life.  I figured my accomplishments, whatever they were, didn't need to be paraded.  

There are enough of certain mokes strumming and drumming false triumph.  They try to look good but are nothing but fakes.  Usually this covers their crimes, so they think.  It doesn't to those of us who seek truth.

Well, it's been pointed out that I should on occasion tell part of my accomplishments, as it were.  

I've tried to do the right thing.  I have helped.  It's not about how important I am.  It's about inspiration, however small or even big.  Leading by example.  

One thing I've done is teach.  From reading to my kids and preschoolers, to guest teaching college classes, I've found myself giving food for thought.  

I've preached and hopefully those times have been helpful to others.

I have simply passed light onto people.

I was taught to do so.

Get about the business of sharing.  It is a great part of Restoring the Republic.

There is no limit to that.

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