Tuesday, June 4, 2024


 Roland Bainton, noted theologian and author of Here I Stand a biography of Martin Luther was also an artist.

He was well known for his caricatures of friends and associates.

I had the opportunity of having lunch with him and faculty at Wittenberg University.  I asked, was told it was limited, yet I managed to attend.  Persistence and faith -s-.

 I knew of his drawings and wouldn't dare hope for one.

We had a wonderful lunch and I was able to make some points.

As we dispersed, Dr. Bainton handed me a note paper.  There was a wonderful abstract of yours truly.

I was astonished, blushed and managed a quick thank you.

He sensed my hope and fulfilled it.  This was the kind of man he was.

He was no snob and reached out beyond the academic.  He cared and his faith showed it.

After the farewell sermon, I shook his hand and told him Here I Stand was a major influence in my spiritual journey.  His eyes showed he was deeply touched and we parted with uplifted hearts.

You never know til you ask.

Monday, June 3, 2024


 We are all related.  Mitakuye Oyasin.

All our yesterdays and heritages coalesce.

What we inherit we use or misuse or ignore.

Particular lineage may have particular gifts.

And thus, we use them for weal or woe.  And therein lies worthiness.

The means by which one 'proves' same.

Also, it knits us together, even if it seems obscure.

May your path lead to Freedom.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Morality Vs Obedience


Doing what is right regardless of what you are told.


Doing what you are told regardless of what is right.

Saturday, June 1, 2024


 My World History HS teacher made a wry comment one day.

He smiled and said that when young, things were more black and white.  The older one gets, the greyer things become.  Thus the smile.


Facts present themselves.  It shifts events.

Facts factor.

Don't worry.  Research.

Otherwise, it can make you greyer worrying.

Reasons are timeless.