Monday, December 31, 2007

Baby Birds

Grow Up!

Reminds me of a story that a friend told me. When he was a kid, his Mom punished him and forbade him to come downstairs. Using his imagination and his winning ways he swooped down flapped his arms and proclaimed, 'Mama's baby birdie comin down.'

It's the sheer humor and wit of the story that makes me remember a friend and his childhood anecdote.

As well, it reminds me that baby birds must grow up.

It's natural that babies be fed and nourished with love as well. But that very love compels us to raise them to be independent.

We are burdened with a government that has babied society. They have spoiled many to accept and EXPECT the gov to give give give. Look at the debacle in New Orleans. That disaster, promulgated by Ray Nagin and his idiot cohorts, spells out clearly the nanny state we have become. Nagin had opportunity to evacuate a great many of the folks stuck in the flood. He copped out and fled. The Feds screwed up of course. The only folks who did well were those who took care of themselves. Some were paid back with forced eviction and gun confiscation.

BTW that good ole boy head of that 2A group I mentioned in Lying Low has groused how he has heard many say they won't give up their guns. Damn right I won't. He claims most have a 'Hollywood' attitude about making a stand. He does not understand many gunowners then. Personally, I'd consider it theft if anyone tries to take any of my property. I know best how to survive and they had best leave me alone. It's called planning, dummy! I grew my wings long ago and can fly away!

The gimme attitude of the many survivors in New Orleans and other spots says much. It tells how the gov has coddled many of us. They have come to expect the handout. They want to be nannied, to suckle the teat of the state. No thanks. My family initially taught me to stand up for myself. My study of American history reinforces this. I alone am capable of tending to my personal affairs. Gov had better disabuse itself of 'helping' me and many others. It is our duty to teach as many as we can to do likewise and boldly step forth in Freedom.

When we are babies, we need feeding and all the good things parents give. But as I said, it can ONLY be to the end of turning us out on our own. Over the holidays, I've had the pleasure of shooting with my kids. Our daughter prepared Christmas dinner all on her own. She helped her Mom at work. We always encourage free exchange of ideas, inductive and deductive reasoning, thinking for oneself, solving one's own problems.

For New Year that is my wish and prayer for the US. Each of us must do our part to turn around the controlling, stultifying trash that has taken the place of the Republic.

Stop it at every turn. Remind the fools who think they control us who the true masters are.

Grow Up! Fly!

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