Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Happy Hannukah

Chag Sameach! Happy holidays! Holiday means 'holy day'. A time to worship and celebrate. This time it is a story of Freedom.

Hannukah commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt in the Second Century BC. As with all of history, this is a long story. I'm giving the 'Classics Illustrated' version. For more info, there are plenty of sources on the net, including Wikipedia. I suggest you research them.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes became the Seleucid King. He looted the Temple, murdered Jews and virtually outlawed Judaism, defiling the Temple and having an altar to Zeus installed. He may have taken the side of Hellenized Jews in this instance.

This provoked a revolt led by the Maccabees, whose father Mattathias was a priest. Judah (the Hammer) was the military leader. They won eventually after much guerilla fighting. The Temple was liberated and rededicated. Judah ordered the Temple cleansed. Olive oil was needed for the menorah to burn every night.

There was only enough oil for one night. The oil burned for eight days which was enough time to prepare more oil.

Victory over oppression and a light that did not burn out. Let that light burn in all hearts as our Jewish friends set the example! We may need a similar miracle soon for the Republic, for all of us. Achmen-so be it.

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