700 billion bucks. I could make a lifetime of movies with some mini series and series thrown in. It would be more than enough to fulfill my plans. I could afford to amply back those who are being screwed by the ATF, courts etc. I'm sure it's a figure meant to startle the public, the masses. If the Federal thieves get it, it will only be the beginning, or continuation of the robbery that started with the system that Andrew Jackson opposed.
There will be no history here. As always, search and you will find all you need to see how we have been manipulated for almost 200 years. I will tell you what I think is going on. It is simply another nail in the coffin of our Republic.
The plan probably appears elegant to those who would be our masters. Stealing from the people to further erode their rights. Make them think this will 'go a long way' to solve our problems. Can you say classic Hegelian Dialectic? I think it's heinous deviltry.
I can imagine how thoughts like this are laughed at. I know how these people operate. This blog is just a trifle as are many more to people who live in a very different world than most. More on that later, perhaps for Halloween lol. I guarantee they have their pitbulls and snitches watching us. There is threat assessment. Details regarding that very soon too.
We must stop these highwaymen/women from looting us. Reminds me of Prince John and his henchmen in The Adventures of Robin Hood. Self interest at the expense of the people. Let's stop them. Expose them. Talk to others about what's going on. It seems there is more self awareness and knowledge about what's going on among many. We can force our representatives to do right.
All this talk of disaster is fearmongering. How appropriate for October. We can overcome this and rescue ourselves from this credit debt monkey business. Yes, there is a threat to many who put all their faith in this credit based monetary system. There will be collateral damage. Damn my words if you want. But suffering is inevitable in any conflict. It is as real as it is in shooting wars.
It will get worse before it gets better. However, it will get better. Stop bailing out these monkeys. Let em sink or swim. The leftovers would be there for the taking by the people. Cutting taxes and easing regulations for businesses goes a long way to giving back responsibility to people owning businesses. How self regulating can we be? Let's find out, while we truly stimulate the economy with the American inventiveness and 'get things done for ourselves' way of the past. We must reign in Fed spending and make them accountable to us for what goes out. Eventually, we do away with the 'welfare' system. Folks can once again learn to take initiative for themselves. Encourage church related charities to help Americans help themselves. It's the only way to stop democracy and reinstate the Constitutional Republic. If we keep relying on this fiat economy, we will take our place in history with the Weimar Republic in a fascist state that Hitler would envy.
I encourage you to form financial groups of trusted individuals and beat the banks etal at their own game. Among us are many we know who should form 'economic circles' similar to intel groups if you will. It is being done. Look around.
Don't let these fly by nights scare you into thinking we need them. Make them aware THEY need US. NOT to finance their schemes, but to keep them employed for our best interests or else they go. I'm all for letting this current bunch go by and large. Let's be like Andy 'by God' Jackson and put the blame where it belongs. Let the bankers, legislators, investors know we are watching, we understand and that we will 'rout' them as he said.
I assure you the last laugh can and will be ours.
ultimate revenge
2 years ago