Thursday, November 27, 2008


I hate em. There is nothing more anti Freedom than communism. There is nothing more unnatural than communism. Some have claimed it is the devil's invention. I'd say it certainly is from the dark side, as it were. Call me Captain Obvious regarding this post. Even call me a John Bircher. I don't mind. JBS is not a dirty term. It has been made dubious by careful manipulation from the 'mainstream' press and many a commie pundit disguised thinly as liberal or progressive. I only say JBS doesn't go far enough, but it's a good starting point for anyone wanting an education re communism. I recommend self study the most, however. As always, there is SO much info on this, my suggestion is to start by typing communism into a search engine. I suggest, unless you are writing a thesis etc to get a grasp of its history then concentrate on how it has progressed since the Russian Revolution (Knowing Russian and/or German is more than optional. I learned them because I'm a stickler for 'from the source' study. And it served me fighting it. More on that soon.). It should lead you on a bloody trail of lies, betrayal and inversion. Compare it to what the Founders put together.

Communism certainly applies to all of society. It is pervasive, insinuating itself into all levels of living. It's a total package.

Communism is based on deceptiom. Wrong is right. White is black. Orange is blue etc (That orange is blue came from a comparison between The Federalist/Antifederalist Papers and the Communist Manifesto purportedly by Marx and Engels). The end justifies the means. Before Marx etal raised their ugly heads, there were and have always been those who seek to force altruism, particulary in the interests of the state, thus enforcing control. There have always been efforts at 'one world government', making the whole world English or Chinese, Roman etal. Government of the many by the few is as old as mankind.

'The strength of the vampire is that no one believes in him.' (Van Helsing from Dracula, 1931). The same is said of satan, even of evil. That evil is a state of mind etc. Of course, similar doubts are cast on communism. That at least, it is relatively dead or isolated. As I said to my kids after the election, communism is quite alive and thriving, especially in the US. Sure it is the official government in China, Vietnam (thanks to politicians and other traitors here), Cuba, Zimbabwe Venezuela etc. It is still a reality in Russia, though they have become more fascist (as is China in terms of government). Let's say it's 'underground'. But I contend it is MOST active here, in the land where our Constitutional Republic has been its greatest stumbling block. Most active where our beloved Republic has been compromised, watered and dumbed down. Where we have increasingly become a democracy.

'What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.' Juliet to Romeo, from Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. That which we call communism by any other name would smell as foul. Pardon the paraphrase. Communism has many other names. Lately it's progressive, derived from liberal. Socialism is often subbed for the small 'c'. Actually it's a means to the end of worldwide communism. Or as it's semi humorously known, a socialist as just a communist without a gun. Fabian socialism is the preferred way with which we are being destroyed here. A slow, relentless rot that is killing from within.

Nikita Khrushchev, Premier of USSR in the late 50's into the 60's predicted this interior overthrow with his famous 'we will bury you' comment. He made his meaning plain that it would come from within. It is succeeding. With the ascension of the pretender to the Presidency next January 20, it is entering a dark reality. And as I said before, it is a result of carefully planned steps, some very small, toward the end game.

Look at the slow descent over the history of the Republic, particularly the last 100 years and then even more scrutinized, the last fifty. I won't attempt to go into detail. There are many sources with which most readers are familiar. I ask you to guide some people ignorant of what's happened, to point them in the right direction. For those who come here, simply study all the government 'acts' edicts laws etc passed. From gun rights robbed (NFA '34, GCA '68 etc) to the economic, such as Federal Reserve, confiscation of gold to removal of the gold standard to installation of 'security' in the last eight years, we are finally on a faster track to tyranny.

I usually hate labels. The use of commie is an exception. True, it could backfire and label me as a paranoid 'Archie Bunker' type. But only if those who see these words don't think. Therein lies the rub.

Those who would be our masters and finally immerse us in a sea of sameness, count on nonthinking. It's what got the lightworker 'elected' (along with massive voter fraud IMHO). Who cares if B.O. was born in the US or not? Who cares about his communist upbringing? Who cares that he is arguably the most antigun head of state in our history? He brings 'change', 'hope', and lots of warm fuzzies. He is a master of saying one thing and doing another. Or if you follow his leftist way of definition, he is 'staying the course' of socialization of the country we love. He and others use our system hijaceked against us. They mock us.

This seemed pinnacle of one worldliness has been a long time coming. Cutting to the last 50 years especially, the slow gradual degrade has pointed to this. It takes years and generations.

This pretender to the Presidency comes from a family steeped in leftist crapola. His daddy was a noted commie and muslim (Contradiction? Not necessairly. Remember the grand mufti of Jerusalem and Hitler). His mommy was a leftist idealist, spawned from parents of the 'greatest generation' as they say, but from the left. He was groomed by communists as a kid and nurtured into the teen years on marxist propaganda. All dupes. Useful idiots. As is actually our coming king who, it has been quoted by Jim Lehrer and one of the lightworker's assistants, is 'ready to rule'. That says a lot, n'est pas?

I realize that this missive is long, yet short. It says some things, but not others. Judge for yourselves. Communism is real. Its insidious grasp reaches to many levels, yet is just a tool for those who would control. For with a communist aka one world system in place, those who have much would have all. These people would still have their wealth and we would be serfs. Pure communism will never happen. Too many 'rich' interests. Its simply a tool to effect a system that ensures the death of individuals, save for those who crouch and give their gifts to their masters. Bought off, they are not true individuals, merely puppets. No thanks. We can beat it, you know. This seemingly unending onslaught.

Study these creatures. Know your enemies. It's a chess game. Make your move.

More soon and re my part of the fight as it were.


Anonymous said...

Don't whistle in the dark.

Anonymous said...

Logistics huh lol?