Monday, December 1, 2008


Just noticed that good ole boy head of a gun rights group in Indiana is at it again. He seems to take umbrage to those of us who make it quite clear what we will do when not if we are called.

Thought he had at least learned something and that there are those who have principles. That there are those who repudiate pragmatism. That there are those who will restore this Republic.

Don't mind 'petitioning the king' as it were and attempting legislation to reclaim our rights. But when is it over? So much has been lost and so much more is going to be legislatively, that this could end up as peeing in the wind.

It is a slap in the face to say 'I think there are too many across this country who's plan of action is to boast quietly among themselves of what they'd do if anyone tries to take away their guns, but then will timidly hide in the shadows hoping they'll never have to make a stand'. WTF?

He should read Mike Vanderboegh for a start. He should watch what he says about others. Are there those guity of braggadocio? I'm sure. There are always summer soldiers and sunshine patriots. But blanket statements claiming 'they won't take my guns and I will fight' seems to say we do not have a plan. Nonsense. As to specifics, well there have to be some surprises for the tyrants.

However, I believe in self defense. If someone comes to steal my guns, I will defend my property and myself whatever the cost. To do less would be to let down not just our ancestors, not just ourselves, but our children and theirs.

I don't consider this a contest as to who will prevail. I do NOT make false or ephemeral claims.

So, buddy boy, do not presume to speak for me nor misspeak me. Don't hide behind words yourself. There will come a time when we will have to put up or shut up.


Anonymous said...

He appears to know politics very well. Not a compliment btw.

Anonymous said...

You bet he does. Seems to tactfully ignore certain facts. He did run for office before. Mind you I don't hate the poor guy, but my sympathy is run out.

Anonymous said...

I've read his stuff. Sounds like propaganda. Slithery describes it and I wager him.

Anonymous said...

When I lived in a commie state I went to jail over concealed carry because it wasn't allowed. Law abiding citizen that daily chose to risk going to jail over a principle.

Luckily it was a misdemeanor in those days or my life would be more complicated, but if I was and am willing to go to jail for something I believe in, who's to say I'm not willing to fight and die for what I believe in?

Anonymous said...

I have just spent the better part of my day perusing your posts. It is refreshing to read the words of others who have high values and determination to uphold our freedoms.

Anonymous said...

Folks, if you like what I say here, there are many more places to learn, be inspired and commiserate with Freedom minded people. Try

These are three of my faves among others. And from these sites there are addies for many more blogs, how tos and other Freedom oriented issues.

Anonymous said...

What's he gonna do if they come for his BAR?