Tuesday, January 6, 2009


New year. Lots of changes coming. On many levels. It is true for this Republic, and true for all of us.

We know there are some terrible things brewing with the ascendence of the pretender to the Oval Office and his notorious band of unmerry Republic wreckers. More nails in the coffin of Freedom. Restrictions on many civil liberties and continued dismantling of the Bill of Rights. I don't wish to regurgitate them here. There are so many sources including David Codrea's War On Guns, his new 'gig' as Gun Rights Examiner and Mike Vanderboegh's Sipsey Street Irregulars and so many more.

There will be cause and effect that will reach to the limits of each being. These will be the 'times to try men's souls'. External seemingly, changes will attempt to rewrite the matrix of everything constituting life.

For my family and me, we are at a crossroads personally. All four of us are on the verge of profound challenges. We will all go in different directions, in particular degrees. We will each be very much on our own.

My son will soon go forth to pursue more education for his life as a Marine pilot and areospace engineer.

My daughter is fast approaching womanhood and will be in high school to continue preparing for singing and teaching.

My wife is interested in changing jobs and an aspiring entertainment career.

I will stay at my chosen path of writer and actor.

Sounds as though there is little change for us. But it is deep seated and entails living apart more and more.

Such is life.

We will literally travel more. We will actively seek our destinies.

Love will suffice.

Many adventures lie ahead with all the joy and pain along the path.

One thing will not change. Our devotion to Freedom and our part of the fight to bring it back. With our love for one another, that will sustain us no matter what.

Whatever changes come for you, in all the varied ways we live, be of good cheer and hold fast to that quest, that fight now and in the future.

Like the Founders, we share similarities and differences. Let us be glad we have that common goal.

Whatever comes, that cannot be taken away.

This is as close to a 'happy new year' that I can envision.


opaww said...

Good piece I liked it...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, looks to be one heck of a year coming.

Anonymous said...

Thanks opaww. I believe no matter what life throws at us, we must make an effort to bring back Freedom. We must not spend our time. We must use it.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you aint kiddin. Good luck and God bless us and the Republic.