Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Red And White

Indian and White. I'm both. Proud of both. And all American.

America, born of the blood and sweat of both (and many others).

Collectivists would have people believe the Indians were destroyed by a relentless machine that rolled over them. Nothing could be more wrong. How those simpletons wish for simple answers.

All people have fought for the right and wrong reasons. Indians are no exception. They fought to defend and conquer, they took slaves, though some earned freedom. They are people with all the faults and virtues of any other humans. I've never known a noble red man. Nor a noble white one. That is, in the sense of the idealistic delusion that the collectivists set up. Kind of like worshipping the Founders as saints or something. They were men. Geniuses many, but real flesh and blood people with a unique vision that became real.

Little do people know that some of those ideals were fashioned by Indians. The Gayanashagowa (Great Law of Peace) which may, by oral tradition come from around 1142, bound the Iroquois Confederacy together. War and infighting slowed to a trickle as it was accepted. It began, "We, the people, to form a union, to establish peace, equity, and order..."

The Iroquois and Algonquins and the Lakota and Chippewa are just a couple of examples of Indians fighting over land and influence. Many more exist. As always, I say dig around and you will find plenty of examples.

Horrible things have happened between Indians and whites with both sides committing atrocities.

Great things have happened as well and many of us are blessed to be both red and white (My brother adds black to that mix).

Part of that comes from my Scot/Micmac heritage. The Micmac btw, have a flag that is a 'reflection' of one of the Templar flags. It consists of red star, crescent and cross on a white background. Some debate the influence the Scots had with the Micmac. I think it's obvious. And on Purpose. It was supposed to be an example of how we can all live together if we try. How we can band against tyranny as well.

Such influence and commonality has been diluted by many including our old 'buddies' the collectivists. It is better for them to have us all at each other's throats. Easier to control people that way.

I have faith in Freedom. A faith that comes from God, mind you.

We are here now. We may choose to hate each other as with whites and blacks etc. Or, we may band together to fight the ultimate enemy. Those who would make us ALL slaves.

Being both red and white, I have made my choice.

No matter what color ethnic origin religion or none and all the other things of the kaleidoscope of humanity, you have that choice.

Choose wisely.

Don't be on the outside looking in.

1 comment:

triptyx said...

Very well said.

Thank you.