Monday, January 29, 2018

Dark Ages

A new dark age swirls around like a black fog, attempting to seep in and fill empty space where it can.  It has made attempts to bit by bit replace the Light with off and on success.  Of course, I speak of collectivism, which runs on the fumes of failure. 

There is no doubt we dodged a bullet, a horrible fate averted, with the God given victory of Donald Trump.  8 years of the Occupier were bad enough.  Her Fullness would have been the two of the one two punch to seal our globalist fate.  I hope it is more than postponed.

Collectivism has done nothing but bring misery and darkness to the world.  It thrives only in that.  Dominance, fear the very nature of hell are the qualities outstanding.  And a reliance on government as mom and pop to dole out whimsical rewards or punishments.

Those who would control attempt to hold progress for ransom.  That price is total control for a few morsels of achievement.  Any advancement is held back.  Controllers know that advancement is part and parcel of Freedom/Liberty.

Useful idiots, true believers, string pullers are kept in varying degrees of dark, from latter, middler and former to knowledge held by a few in the shadows.  Control is maintained by conditioning.  Some higher ups have limited knowledge with promise of more.

I've recently, one of many encounters, experienced some of this concerning the shooting in Kentucky.  The blood dancers immediately cried to do something ie more background checks and some declared for registry. 

The stock in trade whipping boy, NRA, was dragged out.  I was told gunowners are nuts, brainwashed with no compassion.  We know the opposite is true.  We care enough to defend ourselves and help aid people.  Very Alinskyan the accusations.  Of course when I pointed to Alinsky it was ignored.

The principal antifreedom person I encountered erased the nut ref and rewrote posts.  Then she denied ever saying the things she eliminated.  I said it reminded me of the airbrushed commissar pics from Stalin's era.

Kept in the dark, projecting faults and controlling due to lack of self, well I can't think of a better example of living in a dark age.

We now have a God given chance to live in the light of Freedom.  These who dwell in darkness cannot stop us, cannot make us falter.

Trump is only the representative for all of us.  We must each find and do our part.

Dark ages are brittle and crack apart in that Light.

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