Saturday, February 29, 2020


King of Ephyra, punished in the underworld for his self aggrandizement and deceit.  He rolls a huge boulder up a hill.  As it nears the top, it rolls down and he repeats the action forever.  Since the origin of the myth, it has become a symbol of futility.

Is this odd?  Once upon a time, a young student minister ran afoul of the autonomous bishop and his pastor/minions.  This was because the young man preached Christianity/faith is to be lived every day.  One time he even talked about child sex abuse.

For a period of time the student served a particular church.  He did all except Communion blessing and weddings.

The congregation supported him and wished he could actually become pastor.  There was unrest in the national church and the student advised facing it eye to eye w/o fear, just faith and common sense.  Also, he said if the time came after ordination, he would see where he might go.

This guy was suspended from preaching and had to leave his service for the congregation behind.  This was simply because he did not like the collectivist bent and he also didn't osculate the bishop's posterior.

To make a short story lomg (-s-), he was mysteriously invited to assist the newly appointed pastor at that church.  The folks were glad to see him as he was them.

In the vestry, he outright asked what was going on re his suspension.  The mealy mouthed pastor said that 'people in high places did not want to see him succeed'.  Curiouser and curiouser and certainly not Christian.  In fact it was at least reminiscent of Pharissees.  And at the risk of seeming sensationalist, the young man suspected not just collectivism in the church, but also Luciferianism.

So, the pastor preached about Sisyphus that Easter Sunday.  How impossible it was to accomplish certain goals and that the boulder always rolled down.  Shouldn't he have spoken of the stone that rolled from Jesus' tomb and His Resurrection instead?

This young man continued helping people when and where he could and still does.  Serving the Light happens everywhere.  Detours yes.  Stopping, no.

I contend the real modern Sisyphus is the minion/pastor the young man encountered and the organization that in reality opposed Jesus and the church universal.  Such projection is common when modern Pharisees attempt to pollute truth.

That stone might just roll back on them.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Past Present

Some things are left in storage too long.  Dust and cob/spider webs get thick.  Some paper yellows while others stay remarkably fresh.  Things meant to be unpacked remain boxed.

I've repackaged several boxes that were left neglected for years.  Old records mixed with family momentos and some things gotten to by rodents.  They have been cleaned out.

Much can be recycled, while memories are kept.

This all seems poetic, symbolic.  Yet, this has a profound effect on life in the present.

Memories, of course, can set forth from photos and papers long stored.  Perhaps not forgotten, maybe on the back burner or they are in cold storage.  They flit to mind, but the affairs of the day swiftly carry them aside.

Sometimes these items are stored with the intent to move soon and unpack them.  However, for one reason or another, they stay unpacked, collecting dust.  Artifacts.

There might be stagnation.  Yet, once unearthed, artifacts become energized.

Moving forward, having regrouped, these things upturned add to the momentum.

Ready for a move.  All packed to transport to a new HQ.  It's an adventure in itself.

The past presents itself and accompanies now into then.

A gift, a chance taken, claimed.

Past present forward.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Deep Smear

Liberals/collectivists are vindictive.  Truism. An example.

An actor is blacklisted in local theater.  He opposed bullying, intimidation and victimization.  So, underhanded, he was never hired again in a particular market.  Auditions are just that.  You win or lose and go on.  But in local theater sometimes, as in larger venues, you are asked to appear or you know the odds.  Nothing.

Further, as an up and coming actor, sometimes one takes outside jobs.  Waiting table comes to mind etc.  An office temp job ended.  The actor had an organizational mind and fixed a very messed up office filing system.  The company was pleased and even gave him a goodbye party replete with some gifts.

Upon returning to the temp office, he was told by the head that he was cited for messing up the job.  And when asked, she said someone had to take the blame.  This woman was a friend of the woman the actor had dressed down, the teacher who bullied kids and covered her hubby's abuse of teen boys.  Hmm.

The actor had appeared in a prominent role in a first rate theater.  A tape was made of the play.  He asked to borrow it, as some production people etc wanted to see his work.  He was told the tape was missing.  The artistic director was subject to funds that had to be approved by the same prof of ill repute.  Also he was never hired by the director, even though praised and worked at the theater to help establish it along with his wife.  They had been complimented as helping found the theater.  The wife had even made soup for the director when he was sick and the director celebrated the couple's first birth.  Money talks usw.

The actor, as usual for such folks, needed new headshots.  A local guy who was quite good did a set.  They were horrible.  Looked like a ghost.  Other work the photographer had done was good, flattering for the actors.  Our blacklisted actor's were piquantly trash.

The photographer and his wife were friends of the aforesaid prof and hubby.  Is there a pattern?  Or is this just grousing by a 'disgruntled' artist?

One could come to one's own conclusions.  Add the fact that in addition to the ill repute earned by the teaching couple, they had a history of vindictive behavior with others to the extent of attempting to ruin careers.  Sounds like junior league versions of some politicians of historical level.

That they were liberal is, to me, a foregone conclusion  Collectivism uses those same tactics.  Deception, projection and coverup are daily M.O. for the scurrilous.

What happened to the actor?  He rose above the fray and went to NYC/Hollywood and trained with real pros, even some liberals.

He was simply told by an ally that his views would be enhanced or encumbered, depending on the crowd.  So it was and is.

At a local party, he had occasion to converse with a lady of immense talent, who had initially been trained by his wife's grandmother.  This lady was a rising star.  She married a man who was far less talented and was jealous of her.  He coerced her to move back home, where he ran with the crowd of wannabes and big ducks in a small pond.  He both allied and disparaged said crowd.  Such is the nature of hell.

The lady advised the actor not to let them do to him, what they did to her.

He didn't let them.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


What is in the heart?  Is it the same for everyone or do our hearts' desires differ?  Yes and no.

Things have changed.  Liberal and conservative labels have shifted.  Perhaps better, the masks have fallen and we see people as they truly are.

There has been a lot of talk recently concerning Star Trek and several other sci-fi franchises.  They have morphed into cultural Marxist miasmas, bent on destroying original intent and replacing it with collectivist matrix.

Please search the web for all the nuances of how culture is subverted.  There is still ample example.  There is a piquant point I'm making.

I sent a note to an actor re Star Trek.  This person was known to be beyond liberal, certainly leftist.

I noted we were divergent politically, but that ST had always been a place for many to gather and enjoy the shows.  It appealed to many if not all. ST traditionally was NOT political.  Yes, major issues were tackled on TOS and subsequent shows.  But it was left up to the viewer what to decide, what to think.  That's good storytelling to me, no matter the medium.

The actor responded that EVERYTHING was politics, inre it was the foundation of everything.  That's the quintessential collectivist view.

And there was the obligatory slamming of the President, including all the tired put downs.  I refuse to reiterate that bilge.  BTW, we have a President who learned from his mistakes, as we all should.  And there is an unfathomable faith in Freedom together with an enthusiasm to restore the Republic.  That is the quintessential way of those who proclaim individual Liberty.

I have no problem with fiction that can illustrate said Freedom.  It must be truly fair/balanced, for if it is, there is no doubt how fatal collectivism is and how diametrically opposed to all that is right, free and light about us and the US.  And for the matter of that, for the rest of the world.  Success where Liberty lives and desolation elsewhere.

So for characters like that guy, there is indeed nothing in common, no common ground.  Collectivists are intractable in their fatalism.  They live in a world of lies and half truths because there is nothing for them to defend against the truth.

Look up common.  See its nuances.  I look to familiarity.  We know truths.  We live them.

Unfortunately, lies and half truths, along with the commensurate mud slinging, are all too common amongst collectivists.

Let that be common knowledge.