Wednesday, September 4, 2024


 It was a quick journey downward.

I was on the way to a business meeting as I strode up the street.

I usually watch where I'm going.

Well, this time I caught a jagged bump with my toe and whoosh, down I went.

I yelled as I fell.  It seemed like those slo-mo scenes.  

My knees took the worst, as I folded to avoid breaking them or legs.

My hands went out next, saving my face.

I quickly snapped my mind out of shock and started to rise.

A voice said, 'Oh gosh.  Can I help you up?'

A tall young guy took my arm and levered me up.

He asked and I told him I was ok-enough.

When he was sure , he walked on.

It gave me the momentum to continue to my meeting.  There was no going back.

I merely arrived, washed off and concluded my business.

I had to.  So I did.

Least expected trouble then help then success.

Rewarded with a couple of Irish lunch and a beer.

Quite a trip -s-.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Eye To Eye

 To agree.  Concur.  Get along. Sometimes.

Here's another eye view.

To talk to a child, I have knelt to see them eye to eye.  I talk and treat them on the level.

When darkside people are around, they often try to get one down on their level.  Misery loves company.

I remain where I'm at.

They commonly stay at their negative place and don't listen.

I remain high, they are locked low.

I pray they rise above.

Then we might see eye to eye.  

Monday, September 2, 2024


 No, not mine -s-.

Though time is incrementally shorter, I hope if God allows, that I have a bit more time to accomplish some not all goals.  We'll see.

I happened on an obituary of a guy I met long ago.

He was a devil worshiper.  I'm not dignifying by naming fallen names, nor tripping possible bots.  But, he was hook line and sinker with the fallen.  Creepy.  Static feeling round him.

He had an attic apartment in his elderly parents' house.  They were devout Christians and they seemed 'burdened' with him especially in terms of that creepy feeling I mentioned.

He was their son, so they begrudgingly 'tolerated' his ways.  

At any rate, his obit said he was a true son of the church.

Now perhaps he repented.  Some do.  

Or, my guess, is they ignored his fallen path.  Cover up the embarrassment, the awkward path for the sake of appearances.

Of course, I hope he repented.

I've helped some turn to the Light.  

The fallen like to hide.  There is a tendency for boldness now.  Still, hypocrisy and deceit hallmark our enemies.

I've seen shining obits where the deceased is portrayed as a saint when they are the opposite..

Now it's fine to extol folks and recount their lives fondly.

My Dad and brother from another mother are examples.

OTOH some obits are short, letting people's lives speak for themselves.

Memory of love is more than that.

Love and Light live forever.

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 and limitation?

We are warned not to dwell there.  Don't be needy.  If you need, ask.  But become independent.

The opposite is a foothold for those who would be our masters.

There is an increasing lack of humanity.  As a result, a burgeoning  dimness ensues.

It's all part of the ongoing war between good and evil.  More on that soon.

What to do?  Carry the Light to dissipate the darkness.  

Study the Art of War.


Cornflakes -s-.