Wednesday, December 30, 2015


I was painting a house, preparing it as a wedding/starter gift from a woman, who happened to be in real estate, to her son and daughter.  I was nearing the end of my work when the son showed up to observe the progress.  It was a sturdy fixer upper, which took a bit of time to remodel.

I recall being on a ladder near the rear, brush painting an eave.  As usual, I had a mix of music on one of my numerous cassettes, helping me pass the time.  It's a lifelong way of things for me.  Even now, I have the TV playing 'background' as I write.

He was a friendly enough kid and I paused to chitchat.  The one thing that remains about it was his surprise regarding my background.  He was actually visually startled to discover my educational background and even the fact I was pursuing work in the arts.  We didn't delve into impressions particularly, but it happened my music mix as some kind of common ground, was the ice breaker.

Our time was relatively short, but I think he understood there might be more to people than meets the eye.  My impression of him was someone who had limited contact in the world at large.  I think he worked hard at his schooling and his job.  But he just didn't have experience with actual diversity.

Instead of a divisive tool of collectivists, real diversity celebrates difference coming together to share various experiences, to team up in many ways to accomplish goals.  All you have to do is view the many jobs which make up putting out a movie, let alone anything else.  Same for construction or other such ventures.

I believe the more we learn the better.  I don't know if that's a 'jack of all trades and master of none'   or someone who is at least aware of all the elements that come together.  I sure as heck wouldn't try to do all the work on a house.  There are some who do several jobs, but most know their limitations and call in responsible craftspeople.

What I'm getting at or asking is that we are indeed aware of others.  It's easy to take things around us for granted.

Also, don't be surprised when others demonstrate knowledge beyond what you may see at a given time. 

When I was a kid we had our house repainted one summer.  Dad knew a lot of people.  The guys who did the job turned out to be teachers making extra money to supplement income.  They were excellent at their work.

These days some folks have more than one job to make ends meet.  It's harder than ever as I'm sure I don't have to remind you, at least most -s-.

Americans are not reticent to work.  Those jobs other people do are underbid, short changing us.

Roll up your sleeves and get to work.

Impressions should just be good.

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