Friday, September 27, 2019


Plenty of those aka distractions these days.  Little credit or reason.  Just hope minds are on hold.

The collectivists thrive on emotion/reaction.  Less thought, led around.  They hope we are headliners.

I get several news sources delivered daily.  I can speed read, but even that precludes reading everything.  I peruse headlines and choose according to current events.  I supplement that with various live/taped news sources.  But I look and choose, even filing some for later viewing.

The problem is when people just glance over headlines and form opinions in a slapdash manner.  Our enemies want us to stay on the surface.  Digging leads to turning up uncomfortable things for them.  Such as how they lie, cheat, steal.  And yes, thinking for ourselves.

One needn't speed read to get the lowdown of current events.  It merely takes effort.  That's true for anything worthwhile.

Now we know leftists don't like to be confused with facts.  Supply yourselves with same.  And if they demand cites, well depends but I rarely give them.  I demand they find out for themselves.  The socalled entitled need to learn they are not and we are not their servants.

Be yourselves.  Don't go off half cocked like collectivists.  Balance your heads and hearts.

Don't need to intentionally irritate them.  The facts handle that.

We can be headliners aka making a difference.  Read, talk, discuss, stand up.

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