Thursday, September 26, 2019


Small word.  Big meaning.

Health or dependence.  Profit and loss.  There has to be a balance.

We've come a long way healthwise.  However, overmedication leads to big profits.  No cure just 'prevention'.

I know personally how modern medicine has helped me.  I've recovered quickly and not been the worse for wear.  Otherwise there could be more suffering.  But it is a two sided coin.

What if some things are misprescribed or excessively so?  What causes this?

What I'm getting at is medical science deals in objective facts.  Now, there are more holistic medicos thankfully.  But often certain personal factors are left out.

People, honest with themselves, know their bodies.  They should openly confer with honest doctors/nurses and come to conclusions.  Of course, that can be fluid, can change, adjust.

I'm not talking delusion.  I'm talking a whole health approach involving diet, exercise, supplements and med when needed.

Big pharma pushes perks for prescribers and the fall back is medicate.  As said, sometimes increase is the ticket.

It's easy NOT to do things.  It's simple to just let go, get sedentary and rely on more meds.

Conversely some medicos just respond.

Balance is what I'm ultimately driving at.  Possibilities.  Alternatives.



teacher said...

Beware the authoritarian.

Mike H said...

Beware the fool.