Saturday, April 12, 2008

Charlton Heston

My heart has been full this week. Here, I'm adding my words to the volumes already preceded.

A man of honesty and integrity. Already said I guess. To me, he was a prime example of a man, an actor, an American. Again, search the web. This guy is everywhere!

It's said he was in favor of the GCA 68. I think the antis exaggerated. He set them straight later. He made a comment in his autibio re Indians. It was a comment how Columbus was slammed and a people who didn't have the wheel exalted. I see his point how history is bent to fit the leftist and for that matter, anyone's view. Heston had Indian blood and was an adoptec Minneconjou. He simply made the point that history has been skewed. I might mention that all peoples have had high and low points. Freedom and slavery, human nature is the same and only technology changes. What our Indian brothers and sisters accomplished is great, in spite of the great lows some of them reached. It is similar for all of us. I'll touch on that in another post.

Charlton Heston rose by talent, good fortune and honesty to be a superior example for all of us. He knew that luck is merely training, passion and opportunity meeting. He told it like it was and is.

Did he keep the compromising NRA more honest? I think so. They could bargain our rights away if we let them. Don't allow them to speak for you. Speak for yourself. Be inspired by great words and find the greatness in yourself. Then go forth. One man is dead. A great man preceded by many others. We are many more. Keep the flame of Liberty lit!

I never knew Mr. Heston personally. I do know people who knew him, including several friends of his. It's my profound regret we never met.

He was one of my favorite actors as I grew up, along with John Wayne and Steve McQueen etal. As an actor, he was one of a select few who truly inspired me. An American Shakespearean actor? You bet. There are many of us now! Love of words and deeds, history, destiny. Noone did it better than Charlton Heston.

As for being an American, he was in that close circle of actors that was and is dear to my heart. Many are gone. They live on still and we walk the same path. Yes, it is still possible to be progun and 'conservative' in Hollyweird. Mr. Heston, John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and others paved the way. We must follow and do likewise.

I ask that you all read "In The Arena". It's Charlton Heston's autobiography. I am doing so and have found it to refresh and renew both my patriotism and my commitment to be a fine artist. I am dedicating my production of Antony and Cleopatra to Mr. Heston and will invite his family if they would come, to put up with my attempt at a great play.

Don't bask in the glow of a great man. He should have been President for real, not just onscreen. The horrible pantheon of wannabes running for that office (save for Ron Paul) are left pale in comparison to a truly great man. A man of humility, yet capable of speaking not just for us, but giving us that gift to carry on. Speak up! Speak out! Do as Charlton Heston did!


Anonymous said...

Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp'd tow'rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.

Anonymous said...

I weep for him and his family. I weep more for the Republic. The heart of a warrior is bathed in tears and blood.