Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Horrible. A travesty of humanity. It's often used as some kind of 'shame stick' to beat sensibilities, to make one group or another guilty for the past. No thanks.

My eyes roll when I hear yet again how the past trumps the future. My heart also plummets. Are we the sum total of our sins? Or reaching for the pinnacle of our potential?

Problem Profiteers. That's what Booker T. Washington called those who create strife by agitating an already tragic situation. That or they outright lie to achieve their goals. They should study history. Then again the problem profiteers already know and don't want others to investigate.

Slavery is as old as mankind. All societies have had at one time or another, some form. Both enslaving and enslaved. My ancestors, American Indian and Scot are no exceptions by a longshot.

Again, as I always do, I encourage those who come upon my missives to research. How else are we to learn? I was taught from an early age to do so and had a brother with whom I could discuss, debate and dig deeper. I seek out those who do likewise. This is the only hope we have to restore the Republic (aside from realizing it has to be indeed restored).

When old sins are regurgitated, it is with the hope they cause a resurgence of hatred and shame. Remember, people are more easily controlled when they fight one another. The only hope we have is to say to ourselves that as far as slavery goes, that was then, this is now. That many differences can lead to one common goal. E Pluribus Unum. From Many One.

Study history. See it in perspective particularly in reference to what is happening now. There was slavery here once. There is still slavery today. What else would you call what unscrupulous employers do with illegal aliens? They are taken advantage of just as they take advantage of our system. Sex slavery is real. Women and children are bought and sold both domestically and to foreign buyers. And of course, there is the IRS and their robbery of hard earned income. Can you think of other examples?

Those who hate for color or any other reasons are going to be left wanting. Hard times are coming. We wil survive if we unite. We can solve probelms or continue causing them. Want to repeat history or triumph over it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The illusion of freedom [in America] will continue as long as it's profitable
to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive
to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the
curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see
the brick wall at the back of the theater."
-- Frank Zappa
(1940-1993), Musician

"You can be up to your boobies in white satin,
with gardenias in your hair and no sugar cane for miles,
but you can still be working on a plantation."
-- Billie Holiday
(1915-1959) American Jazz Singer

"I freed thousands of slaves.
I could have freed thousands more
if they had known they were slaves."
-- Harriet Tubman
[Araminta Ross] (c.1820-1913) African-American abolitionist, humanitarian, and Union spy during the U.S. Civil War. After escaping from captivity, she made thirteen missions to rescue over seventy slaves using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad.