Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Slavery II

There is a type of slavery which is again as old as people and as endemic as spirit. It knows no boundaries of class, race nor faith. Yet, it uses all these and more to ensnare. Call it greed, or addiction, perhaps even selfishness. (Don't btw, mistake the fact selfishness exists. It is used as a 'shame stick' to force altruism. Should we share? Yes. When there is dire need noone beats Americans in helping others. We should teach others to help themselves. THAT'S American. But some healthy self interest doesn't hurt. More on that in 'brothers and keepers' coming soon.

We are obsessed with consumerism. And most of what we consume gets used up. A lot of what we buy, once it fails, is irreparable. Gone are the days of calling the repairman. We are a throwaway people.

Many have lost control and have fallen into 'addiction'. I'd best leave that for another post simply because I believe it is NOT a disease. Ohoh. That will tick off a bunch. What happens is that we are distracted. Our baser desires overwhelm our common sense. It's an easy hole to fall into. It's a great excuse for screwing off. Also, it's part of a sick society being more easily controlled. On the other hand when we are in need, there should be response. Again, noone beats US at this.

I'm probably preaching to the choir to a degree here. I ask you then to reach out and educate those who are not as self reliant as you may be. Spread the techniques of saving resources. Teach others to buy wisely and save what will be needed soon. It's not hoarding, though I see the gov officials talking of that being on the increase. That's just anotheer demonization like calling the Iraqi insurgents 'militia'. The implication is obvious to me that the way is being paved to demonize US.

I'm simply asking those who read this to be 'abolitionists' for self determination.

For those who are freed from internal slavery, there is enough to go around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves." Dresden Jameson