Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It's not a dirty word. Nor is it uncommon, even for those who claim not to have a 'faith' aka system of belief (In that regard, we all have something whether it's God or man etc.).

Allegiance, trust, loyalty, fidelity are hallmarks of faith.

The kind of faith we all share at least among some such as 3pers, is a resolute belief that we will restore the Republic.

And that belief is more founded on what has come before.

There is no blind faith here.

Experience, history and trial and error all converge.

Faith is the fuel that makes knowledge function.

I can have faith in something invisible. Yet I feel it, sense it coursing through my life.


Semper Fidelis. Always Faithful.

Dedication to duty and to a cause that will triumph because we have that very faith the enemy lacks.

Sure, many of them have a zealot's fire, but that fire blinds.

They have no heart, just raw emotion and a stilted intellect.

They have no leeway, except a kind of long suffering patience to conquer.

They cannot balance heart and head.

We have no choice but to stop them.

Get out there in the streets and spread the word.

Light a candle. Spark a flame.

Share the faith and watch it become a fire that consumes our enemies.

We will not stop. Our children will not stop. Their children will not stop.

We will keep the faith.

1 comment:

Jay21 said...

Excellent as usual, and oddly enough, exactly what I needed a reminder of today. Of the zealots it reminds me of the mentality of "what are you willing to die for vs. what are you willing to kill for." One word can change everything, both rely solely on faith.
Thanks again,