Thursday, January 28, 2010

Statehouse Redux

Many moons ago, I published a series of articles about my experiences at the Indiana Statehouse particularly concerning my efforts to stop a fiat 'no guns in the Statehouse' rule.

I don't regret writing them nor one word that I said. Please read them. It begins with Lying Low ( on through Lying Low 4.

They are a bit dated concerning some details such as the Mayor and marriage, but they hold a lot of info about duplicity in government. There will be a piece about our current Mayor soon. MOS.

Thinking about it now, and with info carefully delineated, I have some conclusions to share.

First, I have no doubt that the people responsible for instituting no carry in the Indiana Statehouse had no intention of ever rescinding it.

It was an insidious step in disarming us.

The CTASC or antiterrorism committee, was and is populated with liberal wretches who are either naive or are calculating re obstructing our rights. In spite of those with 'best intentions', it is an apple rotten to the core.

Despite my attempts to launch an effective campaign against this unconstitutional fiat rule, I was only given lip service and a meeting arranged so those complicit in this travesty would say they gave gunowners a chance to present their side.

Those who initially sided with me withdrew support aka turned their backs on me and any chance for repeal. Not one person remained. I was alone pi$$ing in the wind.

There was an effort by certain people within Indiana Homeland Security, including a rep from the CIA to discredit me and get people to withdraw support.

I realize this could sound fantastic, except that I witnessed an IDHS official spreading the word to ignore me as well as other people who simply saw me as a gadfly.

I have no concrete proof unfortunately save for the fact those who said they would help finally did not. How convenient.

I was obstructed from contacting certain people who could have been effective in getting this rescinded. All efforts in this regard ended up in the email 'circular file'.

I witnessed certain indications re references to said supporters from reps of IDHS.

Some of these supporters actually removed and replaced emails and failed to continue taking calls from me for any reason.

As for how I presented myself, let me say I was gentlemanly, yet businesslike. At no time did I agitate nor approach anyone rudely. I was rational and straight forward.

If there are any doubts of this, I have every piece of email and correspondence from this incident and time.

Imagine, this intrigue and guile for something small in the scale of things. Then again, look at the crimes committed by ATF etal every day against Freedom loving folks who seek to merely live unmolested and seek to speak on behalf of Freedom.

Though much of this is corroborated by contacts who still exist at the Statehouse, it boils down to JMHO as all of this is circumstantial.

Why talk of this now?

It was on my mind and I don't forget.

I offer it as evidence of how government and its organs seek to control us instead of serving us.


teacher said...

I remember this. May I say unequivocally that they are turds.

Flappy said...

Are you paranoid?

Mike H said...


JFD said...

How is the CIA involved and for such a small matter?

Mike H said...

I'm sure they aren't involved, except for the rep at IDHS.

I overheard him and Michelle Milikin talk about me.

Wow, what an honor.

As I said, it's all circumstantial so believe what you want.

Small? Since when is anything to do with an attempt to eliminate our rights (infringe is too weak) a small thing?

Tom said...

They can't eliminate them. Only make it seem so.

I smell civil unrest.

Mike H said...

Yes. Good to see you waking up.

Such smells better than coffee!

Mike H said...

Many of the gun rights guys stop at pragmatism and its coterm 'practicality'.

We should call them 'pps' -s-.

They exoect grousing then complacency.

I don't give it to them.

Same right now with Indy Parks. We aren't supposed to carry there. Uhuh.

I'm going to wake people up and make a big enough stink that David C might smell it in Ohio or even Mike V in Alabama s-s.

Mike H said...

Speaking of civil unrest:

Claire Wolfe is still around if you didn't know.

Mike V had this at Sipsey Street: