Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard has made another blunder.

He says he will veto a measure if it comes to his desk, from the City-County Council that would allow gunowners to carry in city parks.

Considering his new Public Safety Director Straub, is from NY state and has an antigun rep, I'm not surprised.

Some time ago, he leaked a plan to establish 'New York style' gun laws in Indy. It raised a ruckus.

Apparently, the great hope of a mayor who 'got it' has been pi$$ed on.

Such is the hope one puts in politicians of any stripe.

When will they ever learn?

I said wait and see.

Well, not to be surprised, Ballard has turned out to be just another lackey in the power structure as it were.

And the reasons for not 'allowing' guns in the parks are the standard liberal drivel.

Guns cause the crime. Guns only add to the problem and increase danger.


They should use the late medieval exorcism rite on such weapons that were 'possessed'.

You would think a former Marine would know that weaponry merely responds to whom holds it.

I have called this former Marine (our Mayor) on the carpet before and will continue to do so.

There is a meeting 2/25 to determine this guns in parks issue.

I hope for a showing of Freedom minded folks to show the mayor his folly in trying to disarm decent honest citizens.

It seems to me that the deck is being slowly stacked against those of us who care about Freedom and thus self defense.

Along with a RINO Mayor, we have an influx of liberals into the Indy area who blanch at the thought that we and particulary many who have been lifelong residents, have guns.

It is a slow acting poison that I have long tried to alert others to effect.

So far, little has happened and there has been a showing in favor of our rights.

We shall see if it continues.


Tench Coxe said...

Carry anyway.

teacher said...

Self satisfaction could well be the downfall.