Friday, December 25, 2009


Happy birthday Jesus!

They call him the Prince of Peace.

And there are many who think that means we roll over and God will take care of us.

For the Muslim, peace is submission to Islam. Totally.

The communist definition is similar in that once the world is totally commie, then their peace will reign in the surrender of our individuality and Freedom.

Shalom is much more encompassing.

The Jews have a history of resistance, in spite of the march to the trains in WW2.

Peace means good will, strength, forbearance, vanquishing evil (the tallest order), friendship and assurance.

Salaam to the Middle Eastern Christian can mean the same thing.

Peace should mean the same thing to Christians everywhere. And (catching flak from some?) to any who thirst for peace aka Freedom.

It also means to be prepared to always defend that from those who would rise and try to take it away.

Unfortunately, it has been hijacked by leftist leaners and commie subversives to warp the message and make it acquiescence.

True vanquishing evil is greatly up to God. But, we have been left much of the job.

Peace through superior firepower is just part of the answer.

It must be will and determination to bring Freedom not just to this battered Republic, but to the world by example. That has been greatly warped in terms of forcing socalled democracy on others.

That is crappola.

We must lead through example.

Once we secure and restore the Republic, then we can continue to show the world that which it must come to itself.

The war between good and evil will go on, for men and women are flawed and pride etal can creep in.

But it is a start.


teacher said...

What price Freedom?

Mike H said...

I think you know.