Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Silent Night In A Diner 3

'Her water broke.'

I hadn't heard that since my kids were born.

I'm a veteran of many things.

Not the military. Just someone who has fought in other ways. Experienced life. Jack of many trades and master of few.

I put together what I knew about childbirth and decided to ask among the others if they could help.

The elderly couple spoke up.

'I was first a Corpsman in Korea, then I went to med school and returned to Nam. I birthed a few babies both places, and several at home.'

He swiftly examined Bridget.

'Miss, I'm a retired family doctor. I birthed almost as many babies as Ron Paul.'

That got a look of puzzlement from BB, as I called her.

'Presidential candidate and Congressman from Texas who delivered over 2,000 babies.'

She nodded, still in pain.

'You're in luck too. My wife was an Ob-Gyn nurse. How we met', a slight smile on his face as he finished her checkup.

BB seemed to think that was ok. Faced with imminent birth, she had little choice.

I thought, 'She IS fortunate. God, what if she had been stuck on the road, alone?'

Fortunately, the baby seemed ok re coming through the birth canal.

Doc Gaines (name I found out) got her ready as he could on the floor.

Mrs. Gaines assisted.

And the rest of us waited, ready to do what the Doc said.

Alice and myself were ready to talk to BB and we took turns holding her hand, encouraging her.

The Hollands were busy explaining the miracle of birth to their two kids and Snuffy and Buzz waited resolutely.

It was a small world we lived in.

Despite the drama, there was little wrong.

It was like a little piece of life in a snowy pocket.

No problems save for the birth of BB's babies. And that was remarkably routine so said the Doc.

What was extraordinary was the people in the circumstance


We followed Doc Gaines' instructions implicitly.

We talked to BB and responded to her pain with encouragement.

BB cried out and pushed as the crown came through.

Soon, the Doc was holding a beautiful baby girl covered in blood and afterbirth.

Brought back memories of the birth of my own son and later my daughter.

Then a little surprise popped up, or out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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