Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Real Monsters

Last month, I published a bunch of horror/fantasy pieces. This was the rest of the 'visit' series and some spooky vignettes centering on 10th St. near me.

I had intended them for October for obvious reasons.

My hope is you all liked them.

There were some who were dismayed that I was 'wasting' my blog space when I was supposed to be writing about Freedom. Writing about Freedom is precisely what I WAS doing.

I've talked many times about how there is a 'message in the ravioli' in these types of stories, films, etc. How one can sometimes get a point across even in a popular wide release.

First, this is my blog and I will write what I feel needs to be written. That includes how I write.

The main theme is what I have stated in my purpose here: Freedom.

I'd hate to think there is a formula or worse a 'rule' just how that is expressed.

Isn't that what we are fighting for and more?

Some things here reflect Freedom better than others, JMHO.

I also like to get people thinking, whether they agree with me or not.

That is a gateway to Freedom and in that, I hope I emulate the Founders.

I am a 3per and have sworn to fight on all levels to Restore the Constitutional Republic and defend it against the myriad real monsters threatening us, past, present and future, something by the way we have passed on to our kids.

Freedom of expression is very important to me for this place as well as my future work in Hollywood. I don't expect my production company, BurlyRose Productions to do any business with major studios. Time will tell. There are certain folks with whom I want to work and with whom I'm in contact who share the aim of Freedom.

There are real monsters.

If reading about fictional ones (Or are they -s-?) doesn't suit you, go after the ones who exist.

Child rapists are one of my chief examples. The damage they do is truly monstrous. I refuse to call them 'molestors'.

And if that is not enough, how about these monsters who are destroying this Republic?

Expose these monsters. Do everything you can to reverse what they do and have done.

And as for these seemingly fictional or supernatural monster, there is at least a factual basis. Call it the 'dark side', hell, fallen angels, people who choose to do great evil. It all begins in spirit.

You don't have to believe.

Please do what you can to bring the Republic back.

As for my writing, take it or leave it.

Oh yes. Tell others. Ring the warning bells.

And do something!


teacher said...

I'll take it.

kava said...

Turning your words into money is not a sin.

Uncle Forry said...

"Monsters are real. Ghosts are real. They live inside of us. And sometimes, they win."

Stephen King

Mike H said...

Uncle Forry!

I knew you'd try to come back -s-.

Glad to know Mr. King agrees.