Thursday, March 11, 2010

Taking Care

When I was a teen, I spent a great deal of time helping to take care of my Dad, who fell gravely ill.

It took up a lot of my time. That time cut into my social life.

My Dad, even dying, wanted me to have time of my own. He encouraged me in my studies. And I managed a life outside the house.

Mostly now, I guess, people are transferred to 'retirement communities'.

It seems like mass isolation.

Sure, I know it takes a lot of time and money to care for someone in the home. And some things are best done elsewhere. Then there are hospices nowadays. At least there are more choices. And I DON'T mean 'Sotero care'.

Yet, I don't regret helping my Dad.

It gave us time together that would have evaporated otherwise.

When I'm among the old, whatever that is, I don't want to burden my kids with care, though. We've already had a lot of time together.

Maybe I can get a pretty nurse -s-.

Time will tell.

Taking care encompasses taking care of oneself too.

When I DJ'd, I waxed philosophically at the end of the night.

'Taking care, so that you can take care of yourself, then take care of others.'

I believe in that for families friends and the Republic.

Taking care of ourselves is important so that if needs be, we can live on even under the worst circumstances.

Being healthy in thinking is just as important as body. I'll throw spirit in the mix as well.

It may be that we will pull together as extended families when there is a crisis demanding it.

If the situation gets graver and I think it will, there will be much suffering.

It will be easier the more we can pull together.

But even relatively alone, we can be taking care.

For the sake of the Republic, taking care, so we can take care of ourselves and take care of one another.


teacher said...

Get a pretty nurse with a gun who knows how to use it -s-.

Anonymous said...

Right thinking like no Fort Sunters.

Healthy thinking as in keeping the resolve to do right.

Mike H said...

Clean your guns and practice and clean em again.