Saturday, June 5, 2010

Starting Out Or Late Starts

For someone as low on the totem pole in show biz as me, I've had some extraordinary luck in my contacts.

There are those who have given great advice. Some of them have been mentioned before here, so I won't name drop. There is a time and place for that. It's a matter of attitude, place, time and permission of the'dropped names' -s-.

Starting out is more than a desire, more than a passion. Without those, certainly, nothing will get done.

But, without planning, no matter what you want to do, you might as well be the naive kid who jumps off the bus and is determined to be a star within weeks (or win a War Between the States in the same timeframe).

You can carefully craft a career as you go along. A framework needs to be in place though.

Like a story arc, specifics are needed to anchor your dreams.

So it is with Restoring the Republic and in that, it may seem I am again Captain Obvious.

I know there are those among us who are carefully planning, bit by bit to redo what has been undone.

I'm not belaboring that. I'm talking about how it's never too late, even when time may be short.

Whether it's starting anew or picking up threads left undone, it is worth the effort to start, whatever it may be.

And if time is short for some, it is not for others.

Absolutely, passing on what is worthwhile to the next generation is essential.

They will lead their own lives, as it should be.

But, they will either live in increasing tyranny or greater Freedom. THAT is the crux of the matter.

For those making a comparatively late start, it's never too late as said before. For each day spent in pursuit of Freedom makes up for many spent in ignorance.

Some of us have much work to do in a small timespan. Either personally or for the greater good, it is never a waste.

It is only a waste not to DO.

When my life in this house of flesh and blood is over, I hope it is said of me that I did what I could, nay everything I could to better my life, the lives of my children and the life of our Republic.

1 comment:

teacher said...

God will look for scars not medals.

Peter Marshall