Friday, August 19, 2011

Just Some Words

Fiddlin round with words today:

Love briefly touching, a breeze caressing my cheek in Summer. Just as soon gone. Still, like waking from a moment of lips briefly drinking water, no longer parched. And invisible like an angel's wings, close but far. Never gone.

Tears cover my sleep. Alone save for a memory, I wander to the shore seeking gold amongst the leaden grey. No darkness, but a lurching hollow place. The elusive, on the cusp of hope, flies past, leaving the short brush that may lead to an embrace. A touch that covers the tears.

I cry to thee. All the Bard's words fail. Plaintive whisper afraid to reach. The nectar evaporates, a trace of meeting, surrounds from the inside. The gap that cannot be bridged, like a foot that slips, with no place to go except to stand still. Laconic, I catch myself, hearing something beyond.

Romance of the soul transcends risk of solitude. The smile of a child glimpses eternal life. Let go the hand, ascend.

1 comment:

kava said...

I see you are finalizing for Hollywood lol.